Serial Studio Examples

This directory contains various examples demonstrating how to use Serial Studio to visualize data from sensors connected to a microcontroller or another program. Each example includes an Arduino implementation (if required for the project), a README file with setup instructions, and screenshots.

Some examples also include Serial Studio project files (*.json) to simplify the visualization setup.

Examples Overview

1. HexadecimalADC

  • Description: This example reads analog input data from an ADC and transmits it over serial in hexadecimal format.
  • Contents:
    • HexadecimalADC.ino: Arduino code for reading and transmitting ADC data.
    • HexadecimalADC.json: Serial Studio project file for visualizing the ADC output in hexadecimal format.
    • Setup and usage instructions.
    • Screenshot: Example view in Serial Studio.

2. LTE modem

  • Description: This example reads data of signal quality from LTE modem and transmits it over Virtual Serial Port, MQTT or UDP Socket.
  • Contents:
    • lte.json: Serial Studio project file for visualizing data of signal quality from LTE modem.
    • Python script for parsing data and send it over MQTT.
    • Python script for parsing data and send it over Virtual Serial Port.
    • Python script for parsing data and send it over UDP Socket.
    • Setup and usage instructions.
    • Screenshot: Example view in Serial Studio.

3. MPU6050

  • Description: This example captures motion and orientation data from an MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope. Processed data is sent to Serial Studio for real-time visualization on widgets like a g-meter or attitude indicator.
  • Contents:
    • MPU6050.ino: Arduino code for capturing and transmitting MPU6050 data.
    • MPU6050.json: Serial Studio project file for visualizing accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature data from the MPU6050 module.
    • Detailed setup instructions, including Serial Studio configuration.
    • Screenshots: project-setup.png and screenshot.png provide visual references for Serial Studio setup and data visualization.

4. PulseSensor

  • Description: This example filters and smooths pulse data from a heart rate sensor and visualizes it in Serial Studio using quick plot mode. The filtered pulse signal is transmitted for live monitoring and CSV logging.
  • Contents:
    • PulseSensor.ino: Arduino code for filtering and transmitting pulse data.
    • Step-by-step guide for setup and visualization in Serial Studio.
    • Screenshots: csv.png and screenshot.png for reference in CSV logging and Serial Studio visualization.

5. TinyGPS

  • Description: This example reads GPS data (latitude, longitude, and altitude) from a GPS module and visualizes it on a map in Serial Studio.
  • Contents:
    • TinyGPS.ino: Arduino code for capturing and transmitting GPS data.
    • TinyGPS.json: Serial Studio project file to visualize GPS data on a map.
    • Comprehensive setup instructions for GPS configuration, including Serial Studio setup.
    • Screenshots: project-setup.png and screenshot.png for guidance on map visualization in Serial Studio.

6. UDP Function Generator

  • Description: This example generates real-time waveforms (sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square) and transmits them over an UDP socket locally. It is designed to generate data that can be visualized in Serial Studio, where you can observe and analyze the generated signals in real-time. The program is versatile and can also be used to stress-test Serial Studio's performance under continuous, high-frequency data streams.
  • Contents:
    • udp_function_generator.c: The main C program that generates waveforms and sends them via UDP.
    • Detailed setup and usage instructions for configuring and running the program with Serial Studio.
    • Screenshot: Example view in Serial Studio.
  • Key Features:
    • Generates multiple waveform types: sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square.
    • Configurable waveform properties: frequency, phase, and transmission interval.
    • Sends waveform data over UDP, making it ideal for network-based signal processing.
    • Option to print generated data for debugging and analysis.
    • Warns about high frequencies that may cause aliasing or distortion.
  • ⚠️ Using sub-millisecond intervals can overload Serial Studio's event system, potentially causing crashes and/or hangs. If you encounter this issue, consider running Serial Studio with a debugger and sharing your findings to help improve and address this limitation in future releases. Your feedback is invaluable in making Serial Studio more robust!

Getting Started

To use these examples:

  1. Hardware Setup: Connect the necessary components as described in each example's README file.
  2. Arduino Code: Open the Arduino .ino file in the Arduino IDE, upload it to your board, and ensure the correct baud rate and port settings are configured.
  3. Serial Studio Configuration:
    • Launch Serial Studio and import the provided JSON project file, if available.
    • Follow the configuration instructions in each example's README to set up data parsing and visualization widgets.
  4. Visualize Data: Once connected, view live data in Serial Studio through various widgets and mapping features.


  • Arduino IDE: To compile and upload .ino files.
  • Serial Studio: For real-time data visualization. Download it from Serial Studio's website.
  • Libraries: Some examples require additional libraries (e.g., Adafruit MPU6050 or TinyGPS). Refer to individual README files for specific library requirements.

Additional Resources

For more details on Serial Studio, visit the Serial Studio wiki. Each example README also includes troubleshooting tips and step-by-step instructions for setup and visualization.