To avoid confusion with Qt default components, TaoQuick components names all begin with Cus (The abbreviation of Custom)
CusConfig is global configuration, mainly contain font、 theme and so on, all components are displayed in this configuration
Other Contents reference to above table:
|Basic|Basic Controls| such as Text, ToolTip, It is used to unify the basic components in the whole project and facilitate the global replacement when the project becomes huge|
|CusBackground|A simple background box|it is usually placed at the beginning of the program to absorb mouse focus from the white space|
|CusButton|button|Some commonly used buttons have been encapsulated, and various effects can be customized again|
|CusImage|Basic Image||
|CusListView|List|Simaple custom scrollbars|
|CusTable|Table|It needs to be used with specific C++ model to support the selection, check, draw rect selection, anti-selection, continuous selection and all selection|
|Effect|Effect|Animation、PageSwitch and ShaderToy|
You just need import '.pri' file to project and add import Path to QmlEngine, TaoQuick will be use as local file or qrc resource.
Compared with 'Qml module' and 'Qml C++ plugin', this usage has the following advantages:
* After importing '.pri', no additional compile, generation of dll or plugin are required
* No additional copy resources are required to deployment the program
* After importing '.pri', Qt Creater can support TaoQuick Qml code highlighting and double-clicking the Follow symbol
* After import the module 'import TaoQuick 1.0' in Qml, you can use the TaoQuick component in The Designer mode of Qt Creater by dragging or visual property editor.(principle: Generate metainfo required by Designer via some script)