PyOtherSide Developer Guide =========================== *PyOtherSide* is a Qt 5 QML Plugin that provides access to a Python 3 interpreter from QML. It was designed with mobile devices in mind, where high-framerate touch interfaces are common, and where the user usually interfaces only with one application at a time via a touchscreen. As such, it is important to never block the UI thread, so that the user can always continue to use the interface, even when the backend is processing, downloading or calculating something in the background. At its core, PyOtherSide is basically a simple layer that converts Qt (QML) objects to Python objects and vice versa, with focus on asynchronous events and continuation-passing style function calls. While legacy versions of PyOtherSide worked with Qt 4.x and Python 2.x, its focus now lies on Python 3.x and Qt 5. Python 3 has been out for several years, and offers some nice language features and clean-ups, while Qt 5 supports most mobile platforms well, and has an improved QML engine and a faster renderer (Qt Scene Graph) compared to Qt 4. QML API ======= This section describes the QML API exposed by the *PyOtherSide* QML Plugin. Import Versions --------------- The current QML API version of PyOtherSide is 1.5. When new features are introduced, or behavior is changed, the API version will be bumped and documented here. io.thp.pyotherside 1.0 `````````````````````` * Initial API release. io.thp.pyotherside 1.2 `````````````````````` * :func:`importModule` now behaves like the ``import`` statement in Python for names with dots. This means that ``importModule('x.y.z', ...)`` now works like ``import x.y.z`` in Python. * If a JavaScript exception occurs in the callback passed to :func:`importModule` or :func:`call`, the signal :func:`error` is emitted with the exception information (filename, line, message) as ``traceback``. io.thp.pyotherside 1.3 `````````````````````` * :func:`addImportPath` now also accepts ``qrc:/`` URLs. This is useful if your Python files are embedded as Qt Resources, relative to your QML files (use :func:`Qt.resolvedUrl` from the QML file). io.thp.pyotherside 1.4 `````````````````````` * Added :func:`getattr` * :func:`call` and :func:`call_sync` now accept a Python callable object for the first parameter (previously, only strings were supported) * If :func:`error` doesn't have a handler defined, error messages will be printed to the console as warnings io.thp.pyotherside 1.5 `````````````````````` * Added ``PyGLArea`` and ``PyFBO`` for OpenGL rendering, see `OpenGL rendering in Python`_ * Added :func:`importNames` and :func:`importNames_sync` to mirror Python's ``from foo import bar, baz`` import mechanism QML ``Python`` Element ---------------------- The ``Python`` element exposes a Python interpreter in a QML file. In PyOtherSide 1.0, if multiple Python elements are instantiated, they will share the same underlying Python interpreter, so Python module-global state will be shared between all Python elements. To use the ``Python`` element in a QML file, you have to import the plugin using: .. code-block:: javascript import io.thp.pyotherside 1.5 Signals ``````` .. function:: received(var data) Default event handler for :func:`pyotherside.send` if no other event handler was set. .. function:: error(string traceback) Error handler for errors from Python. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 If the error signal is not connected, PyOtherSide will print the error as QWarning on the console (previously, error messages were only shown if the signal was connected and printed there). To avoid printing the error, just define a no-op handler. Methods ``````` To configure event handlers for events from Python, you can use the :func:`setHandler` method: .. function:: setHandler(string event, callable callback) Set the handler for events sent with :func:`pyotherside.send`. Importing modules is then done by optionally adding an import path and then importing the module asynchronously: .. function:: addImportPath(string path) Add a path to Python's ``sys.path``. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 :func:`addImportPath` will automatically strip a leading ``file://`` from the path, so you can use :func:`Qt.resolvedUrl()` without having to manually strip the leading ``file://`` in QML. .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0 Starting with QML API version 1.3 (``import io.thp.pyotherside 1.3``), :func:`addImportPath` now also accepts ``qrc:/`` URLs. The first time a ``qrc:/`` path is added, a new import handler will be installed, which will enable Python to transparently import modules from it. .. function:: importModule(string name, function callback(success) {}) Import a Python module. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 Previously, this function didn't work correctly for importing modules with dots in their name. Starting with the API version 1.2 (``import io.thp.pyotherside 1.2``), this behavior is now fixed, and ``importModule('x.y.z', ...)`` behaves like ``import x.y.z``. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 If a JavaScript exception occurs in the callback, the :func:`error` signal is emitted with ``traceback`` containing the exception info (QML API version 1.2 and newer). .. function:: importNames(string module, array object_names, function callback(success) {}) Import a list of names from a given modules, like Python's ``from foo import bar, baz`` syntax -- the equivalent call would be ``importNames('module', ['bar', 'baz'], ...);`` .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 Once modules are imported, Python function can be called on the imported modules using: .. function:: call(var func, args=[], function callback(result) {}) Call the Python function ``func`` with ``args`` asynchronously. If ``args`` is omitted, ``func`` will be called without arguments. If ``callback`` is a callable, it will be called with the Python function result as single argument when the call has succeeded. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 If a JavaScript exception occurs in the callback, the :func:`error` signal is emitted with ``traceback`` containing the exception info (QML API version 1.2 and newer). .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 ``func`` can also be a Python callable object, not just a string. Attributes on Python objects can be accessed using :func:`getattr`: .. function:: getattr(obj, string attr) -> var Get the attribute ``attr`` of the Python object ``obj``. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 For some of these methods, there also exist synchronous variants, but it is highly recommended to use the asynchronous variants instead to avoid blocking the QML UI thread: .. function:: evaluate(string expr) -> var Evaluate a Python expression synchronously. .. function:: importModule_sync(string name) -> bool Import a Python module. Returns ``true`` on success, ``false`` otherwise. .. function:: importNames_sync(string module, array names) -> bool Import names from a Python modules. Returns ``true`` on success, ``false`` otherwise. .. function:: call_sync(var func, var args=[]) -> var Call a Python function. Returns the return value of the Python function. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 ``func`` can also be a Python callable object, not just a string. The following functions allow access to the version of the running PyOtherSide plugin and Python interpreter. .. function:: pluginVersion() -> string Get the version of the PyOtherSide plugin that is currently used. .. note:: This is not necessarily the same as the QML API version currently in use. The QML API version is decided by the QML import statement, so even if :func:`pluginVersion` returns 1.2.0, if the plugin has been imported as ``import io.thp.pyotherside 1.0``, the API version used would be 1.0. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. function:: pythonVersion() -> string Get the version of the Python interpreter that is currently used. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 Previously, :func:`pythonVersion` returned the compile-time version of Python against which PyOtherSide was built. Starting with version 1.5.0, the run-time version of Python is returned (e.g. PyOtherSide compiled against Python 3.4.0 and running with Python 3.4.1 returned "3.4.0" before, but returns "3.4.1" in PyOtherSide after and including 1.5.0). QML ``PyGLArea`` Element ------------------------ .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 The PyGLArea allows rendering arbitrary OpenGL content from Python into the QML scene. Properties `````````` .. function:: PyObject renderer Python object that implements the IRenderer interface, see `OpenGL rendering in Python`_ for details. .. function:: bool before ``true`` to render before (= below) the rest of the QML scene, ``false`` to render after (= above) the rest of the QML scene. Default: ``true`` QML ``PyFBO`` Element --------------------- .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 The PyFBO allows offscreen rendering of arbitrary OpenGL content from Python into the QML scene. Properties `````````` .. function:: PyObject renderer Python object that implements the IRenderer interface, see `OpenGL rendering in Python`_ for details Python API ========== PyOtherSide uses a normal Python 3.x interpreter for running your Python code. The ``pyotherside`` module -------------------------- When a module is imported in PyOtherSide, it will have access to a special module called :mod:`pyotherside` in addition to all Python Standard Library modules and Python modules in ``sys.path``: .. code-block:: python import pyotherside The module can be used to send events asynchronously (even from different threads) to the QML layer, register a callback for doing clean-ups at application exit and integrate with other QML-specific features of PyOtherSide. Methods ``````` .. function:: pyotherside.send(event, \*args) Send an asynchronous event with name ``event`` with optional arguments ``args`` to QML. .. function:: pyotherside.atexit(callback) Register a ``callback`` to be called when the application is closing. .. function:: pyotherside.set_image_provider(provider) Set the QML `image provider`_ (``image://python/``). .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. function:: pyotherside.qrc_is_file(filename) Check if ``filename`` is an existing file in the `Qt Resource System`_. :returns: ``True`` if ``filename`` is a file, ``False`` otherwise. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. function:: pyotherside.qrc_is_dir(dirname) Check if ``dirname`` is an existing directory in the `Qt Resource System`_. :returns: ``True`` if ``dirname`` is a directory, ``False`` otherwise. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. function:: pyotherside.qrc_get_file_contents(filename) Get the file contents of a file in the `Qt Resource System`_. :raise ValueError: If ``filename`` does not denote a valid file. :returns: The file contents as Python ``bytearray`` object. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. function:: pyotherside.qrc_list_dir(dirname) Get the entry list of a directory in the `Qt Resource System`_. :raise ValueError: If ``dirname`` does not denote a valid directory. :returns: The directory entries as list of strings. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. _Qt Resource System: .. _constants: Constants ````````` .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 These constants are used in the return value of a `image provider`_ function: **pyotherside.format_mono** Mono pixel format (``QImage::Format_Mono``). **pyotherside.format_mono_lsb** Mono pixel format, LSB alignment (``QImage::Format_MonoLSB``). **pyotherside.format_rgb32** 32-bit RGB format (``QImage::Format_RGB32``). **pyotherside.format_argb32** 32-bit ARGB format (``QImage::Format_ARGB32``). **pyotherside.format_rgb16** 16-bit RGB format (``QImage::Format_RGB16``). **pyotherside.format_rgb666** 18bpp RGB666 format (``QImage::Format_RGB666``). **pyotherside.format_rgb555** 15bpp RGB555 format (``QImage::Format_RGB555``). **pyotherside.format_rgb888** 24-bit RGB format (``QImage::Format_RGB888``). **pyotherside.format_rgb444** 12bpp RGB format (``QImage::Format_RGB444``). **pyotherside.format_data** Encoded image file data (e.g. PNG/JPEG data). .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 The following constants have been added in PyOtherSide 1.3: **pyotherside.version** Version of PyOtherSide as string. .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 The following constants have been added in PyOtherSide 1.5: **pyotherside.format_svg_data** SVG image XML data Data Type Mapping ================= PyOtherSide will automatically convert Python data types to Qt data types (which in turn will be converted to QML data types by the QML engine). The following data types are supported and can be used to pass data between Python and QML (and vice versa): +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | Python | QML | Remarks | +====================+============+=============================+ | bool | bool | | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | int | int | | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | float | double | | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | str | string | | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | list | JS Array | JS Arrays are always | | | | converted to Python lists. | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | tuple | JS Array | | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | dict | JS Object | Keys must be strings | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | | QML date | since PyOtherSide 1.2.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | datetime.time | QML time | since PyOtherSide 1.2.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | datetime.datetime | JS Date | since PyOtherSide 1.2.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | set | JS Array | since PyOtherSide 1.3.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | iterable | JS Array | since PyOtherSide 1.3.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | object | (opaque) | since PyOtherSide 1.4.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ | pyotherside.QObject| QObject | since PyOtherSide 1.4.0 | +--------------------+------------+-----------------------------+ Trying to pass in other types than the ones listed here is undefined behavior and will usually result in an error. .. _image provider: Image Provider ============== .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 A QML Image Provider can be registered from Python to load image data (e.g. map tiles, diagrams, graphs or generated images) in QML ``Image`` elements without resorting to saving/loading files. An image provider has the following argument list and return values: .. code-block:: python def image_provider(image_id, requested_size): ... return bytearray(pixels), (width, height), format The parameters to the image provider functions are: **image_id** The ID of the image URL (``image://python/``). **requested_size** The source size of the QML ``Image`` as tuple: ``(width, height)``. ``(-1, -1)`` if the source size is not set. The image provider must return a tuple ``(data, size, format)``: **data** A ``bytearray`` object containing the pixel data for the given size and the given format. **size** A tuple ``(width, height)`` describing the size of the pixel data in pixels. **format** The pixel format of ``data`` (see `constants`_), ``pyotherside.format_data`` if ``data`` contains an encoded (PNG/JPEG) image instead of raw pixel data or ``pyotherside.format_svg_data`` if ``data`` contains SVG image XML data. In order to register the image provider with PyOtherSide for use as provider for ``image://python/`` URLs, the image provider function needs to be passed to PyOtherSide: .. code-block:: python import pyotherside def image_provider(image_id, requested_size): ... pyotherside.set_image_provider(image_provider) Because Python modules are usually imported asynchronously, the image provider will only be registered once the module registering the image provider is successfully imported. You have to make sure that setting the ``source`` property on a QML ``Image`` element only happens *after* the image provider has been set (e.g. by setting the ``source`` property in the callback function passed to :func:`importModule`). .. _qt resource access: Qt Resource Access ================== .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 If you are using PyOtherSide in combination with an application binary compiled from C++ code with Qt Resources (see `Qt Resource System`_), you can inspect and access the resources from Python. This example demonstrates the API by walking the whole resource tree, printing out directory names and file sizes: .. code-block:: python import pyotherside import os.path def walk(root): for entry in pyotherside.qrc_list_dir(root): name = os.path.join(root, entry) if pyotherside.qrc_is_dir(name): print('Directory:', name) walk(name) else: data = pyotherside.qrc_get_file_contents(name) print('File:', name, 'has', len(data), 'bytes') walk('/') Importing Python modules from Qt Resources also works starting with QML API 1.3 using :func:`Qt.resolvedUrl` from within a QML file in Qt Resources. As an alternative, ``addImportPath('qrc:/')`` will add the root directory of the Qt Resources to Python's module search path. .. _qobjects in python: Accessing QObjects from Python ============================== .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Since version 1.4, PyOtherSide allows passing QObjects from QML to Python, and accessing (setting / getting) properties and calling slots and dynamic methods. References to QObjects passed to Python can be passed back to QML transparently: .. code-block:: python # Assume func will be called with a QObject as sole argument def func(qobject): # Getting properties print(qobject.x) # Setting properties qobject.x = 123 # Calling slots and dynamic functions print(qobject.someFunction(123, 'b')) # Returning a QObject reference to the caller return qobject It is possible to store a reference (bound method) to a method of a QObject. Such references cannot be passed to QML, and can only be used in Python for the lifetime of the QObject. If you need to pass such a bound method to QML, you can wrap it into a Python object (or even just a lambda) and pass that instead: .. code-block:: python def func(qobject): # Can store a reference to a bound method bound_method = qobject.someFunction # Calling the bound method bound_method(123, 'b') # If you need to return the bound method, you must wrap it # in a lambda (or any other Python object), the bound method # cannot be returned as-is for now return lambda a, b: bound_method(a, b) It's not possible to instantiate new QObjects from within Python, and it's not possible to subclass QObject from within Python. Also, be aware that a reference to a QObject in Python will become invalid when the QObject is deleted (there's no way for PyOtherSide to prevent referenced QObjects from being deleted, but PyOtherSide tries hard to detect the deletion of objects and give meaningful error messages in case the reference is accessed). OpenGL rendering in Python ========================== .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 You can render directly to a QML application's OpenGL context in your Python code (i.e. via PyOpenGL or vispy.gloo) by using a ``PyGLArea`` or ``PyFBO`` item. The ``IRenderer`` interface that needs to be implemented in Python and set as the ``renderer`` property of ``PyGLArea`` or ``PyFBO`` needs to provide the following functions: .. function:: IRenderer.init() Initialize OpenGL resources required for rendering. This method is optional. .. function:: IRenderer.reshape(x, y, width, height) Called when the geometry has changed. ``(x, y)`` is the position of the bottom left corner of the area, in window coordinates, e.g. (0, 0) is the bottom left corner of the window. .. function:: IRenderer.render() Render to the OpenGL context. It is the renderer's responsibility to unbind any used resources to leave the context in a clean state. .. function:: IRenderer.cleanup() Free any resources allocated by :func:`IRenderer.init`. This method is optional. See `Rendering with PyOpenGL`_ for an example implementation. Note that you might to use a recent version of PyOpenGL (>= 3.1.0) for some of the examples to work, earlier versions had problems. If your distribution does not provide new versions, you can install the most recent version of PyOpenGL to your ``$HOME`` using: .. code-block:: shell pip3 install --user --upgrade PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate Cookbook ======== This section contains code examples and best practices for combining Python and QML. Importing modules and calling functions asynchronously ------------------------------------------------------ In this example, we import the Python Standard Library module ``os`` and - when the module is imported - call the :func:`os.getcwd` function on it. The result of the :func:`os.getcwd` function is then printed to the console and :func:`os.chdir` is called with a single argument (``'/'``) - again, after the :func:`os.chdir` function has returned, a message will be printed. In this example, importing modules and calling functions are both done in an asynchronous way - the QML/GUI thread will not block while these functions execute. In fact, the ``Component.onCompleted`` code block will probably finish before the :mod:`os` module has been imported in Python. .. code-block:: javascript Python { Component.onCompleted: { importModule('os', function() { call('os.getcwd', [], function (result) { console.log('Working directory: ' + result); call('os.chdir', ['/'], function (result) { console.log('Working directory changed.'); });); }); }); } } While this `continuation-passing style`_ might look a like a little pyramid due all the nesting and indentation at first, it makes sure your application's UI is always responsive. The user will be able to interact with the GUI (e.g. scroll and move around in the UI) while the Python code can process requests. .. _Continuation-passing style: To avoid what's called `callback hell`_ in JavaScript, you can pull out the anonymous functions you give as callbacks, give them names and pass them to the API functions via name, e.g. the above example would turn into a shallow structure (of course, in this example, splitting everything out does not make too much sense, as the functions are very simple to begin with, but it's here to demonstrate how splitting a callback hell pyramid basically works): .. _callback hell: .. code-block:: javascript Python { Component.onCompleted: { function changedCwd(result) { console.log('Working directory changed.'); } function gotCwd(result) { console.log('Working directory: ' + result); call('os.chdir', ['/'], changedCwd); } function withOs() { call('os.getcwd', [], gotCwd); } importModule('os', withOs); } } Evaluating Python expressions in QML ```````````````````````````````````` The :func:`evaluate` method on the ``Python`` object can be used to evaluate a simple Python expression and return its result as JavaScript object: .. code-block:: javascript Python { Component.onCompleted: { console.log('Squares: ' + evaluate('[x for x in range(10)]')); } } Evaluating expressions is done synchronously, so make sure you only use it for expressions that are not long-running calculations / operations. Error handling in QML --------------------- If an error happens in Python while calling functions, the traceback of the error (or an error message in case the error happens in the PyOtherSide layer) will be sent with the :func:`error` signal of the ``Python`` element. During early development, it's probably enough to just log the error to the console: .. code-block:: javascript Python { // ... onError: console.log('Error: ' + traceback) } Once your application grows, it might make sense to maybe show the error to the user in a dialog box, message or notification in addition to or instead of using :func:`console.log()` to print the error. Handling asynchronous events from Python in QML ----------------------------------------------- Your Python code can send asynchronous events with optional data to the QML layer using the :func:`pyotherside.send` function. You can call this function from functions called from QML, but also from anywhere else - including threads that you created in Python. The first parameter is mandatory, and must be a string that identifies the event. Additional parameters are optional and can be of any data type that PyOtherSide supports: .. code-block:: python import pyotherside pyotherside.send('new-entries', 100, 123) If you do not add a special handler on the ``Python`` object, such events would be handled by the :func:`received` signal handler in QML - its ``data`` parameter contains the event name and all arguments in a list: .. code-block:: javascript Python { // .. onReceived: console.log('Event: ' + data) } Usually, you want to install a handler for such events. If you have e.g. the ``'new-entries'`` event like shown above (with two numeric parameters that we will call ``first`` and ``last`` for this example), you might want to define a simple handler function that will process this event: .. code-block:: javascript Python { // .. Component.onCompleted: { setHandler('new-entries', function (first, last) { console.log('New entries from ' + first + ' to ' + last); }); } } Once a handler for a given event is defined, the :func:`received` signal will not be emitted anymore. If you need to unset a handler for a given event, you can use ``setHandler('event', undefined)`` to do so. In some cases, it might be useful to not install a handler function directly, but turn the :func:`pyotherside.send` call into a new signal on the ``Python`` object. As there is no easy way for PyOtherSide to determine the names of the arguments of the event, you have to define and hook up these signals manually. The upside of having to define the signals this way is that all signals will be nicely documented in your QML file for future reference: .. code-block:: javascript Python { signal updated() signal newEntries(int first, int last) signal entryRenamed(int index, string name) Component.onCompleted: { setHandler('updated', updated); setHandler('new-entries', newEntries); setHandler('entry-renamed', entryRenamed); } } With this setup, you can now emit these signals from the ``Python`` object by using :func:`pyotherside.send` in your Python code: .. code-block:: python pyotherside.send('updated') pyotherside.send('new-entries', 20, 30) pyotherside.send('entry-renamed', 11, 'Hello World') Loading ``ListModel`` data from Python -------------------------------------- Most of the time a PyOtherSide QML application will display some data stored somewhere and retrieved or generated with Python. The easiest way to do this is to return a list-of-dicts in your Python function: **** .. code-block:: python def get_data(): return [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'team': 'red'}, {'name': 'Beta', 'team': 'blue'}, {'name': 'Gamma', 'team': 'green'}, {'name': 'Delta', 'team': 'yellow'}, {'name': 'Epsilon', 'team': 'orange'}, ] Of course, the function could do other things (such as doing web requests, querying databases, etc..) - as long as it returns a list-olf-dicts, it will be fine (if you are using a generator that yields dicts, just wrap the generator with :func:`list`). Using this function from QML is straightforward: **listmodel.qml** .. code-block:: javascript import QtQuick 2.0 import io.thp.pyotherside 1.5 Rectangle { color: 'black' width: 400 height: 400 ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: ListModel { id: listModel } delegate: Text { // Both "name" and "team" are taken from the model text: name color: team } } Python { id: py Component.onCompleted: { // Add the directory of this .qml file to the search path addImportPath(Qt.resolvedUrl('.')); // Import the main module and load the data importModule('listmodel', function () {'listmodel.get_data', [], function(result) { // Load the received data into the list model for (var i=0; i= 3.1.0 * New QML components: ``PyGLArea``, ``PyFBO`` * :func:`pythonVersion` now returns the runtime Python version * Add the library to ``PYTHONPATH`` for standard library appended as .zip (except on Windows) * Call ``PyDateTime_IMPORT`` as often as necessary (Fixes #46) * Added ``pyotherside.format_svg_data`` for using SVG data in the image provider * Handle converting ``QVariantHash`` to Python ``dict`` type * Added ``.qmltypes`` file to provide metadata information for Qt Creator * New functions :func:`importNames` and :func:`importNames_sync` for from-imports Version 1.4.0 (2015-02-19) -------------------------- * Support for passing Python objects to QML and keeping references there * Add :func:`getattr` to get an attribute from a Python object * :func:`call` and :func:`call_sync` now also accept a Python callable as first argument * Support for `Accessing QObjects from Python`_ (properties and slots) * Print error messages to the console if :func:`error` doesn't have any handlers connected Version 1.3.0 (2014-07-24) -------------------------- * Access to the `Qt Resource System`_ from Python (see `Qt Resource Access`_). * QML API 1.3: Import from Qt Resources (:func:`addImportPath` with ``qrc:/``). * Add ``pyotherside.version`` constant to access version from Python as string. * Support for building on Windows, build instructions for Windows builds. * New data type conversions: Python ``set`` and iterable types (e.g. generator expressions and generators) are converted to JS ``Array``. Version 1.2.0 (2014-02-16) -------------------------- * Introduced versioned QML imports for API change. * QML API 1.2: Change :func:`importModule` behavior for imports with dots. * QML API 1.2: Emit :func:`error` when JavaScript callbacks passed to :func:`importModule` and :func:`call` throw an exception. * New data type conversions: Python ````, ``datetime.time`` and ``datetime.datetime`` are converted to QML ``date``, ``time`` and JS ``Date`` types, respectively. Version 1.1.0 (2014-02-06) -------------------------- * Add support for Python-based image providers (see `Image Provider`_). * Fix threading crashes and aborts due to assertions. * :func:`addImportPath` will automatically strip a leading ``file://``. * Added :func:`pluginVersion` and :func:`pythonVersion` for runtime version detection. Version 1.0.0 (2013-08-08) -------------------------- * Initial QML plugin release. Version 0.0.1 (2013-05-17) -------------------------- * Proof-of-concept (based on a prototype from May 2011).