from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import os import random WINDOW_SIZE = 840, 600 CARD_DIMENSIONS = QSize(80, 116) CARD_RECT = QRect(0, 0, 80, 116) CARD_SPACING_X = 110 CARD_BACK = QImage(os.path.join('images', 'back.png')) DEAL_RECT = QRect(30, 30, 110, 140) OFFSET_X = 50 OFFSET_Y = 50 WORK_STACK_Y = 200 SIDE_FACE = 0 SIDE_BACK = 1 BOUNCE_ENERGY = 0.8 # We store cards as numbers 1-13, since we only need # to know their order for solitaire. SUITS = ["C", "S", "H", "D"] class Signals(QObject): complete = pyqtSignal() clicked = pyqtSignal() doubleclicked = pyqtSignal() class Card(QGraphicsPixmapItem): def __init__(self, value, suit, *args, **kwargs): super(Card, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.signals = Signals() self.stack = None # Stack this card currently is in. self.child = None # Card stacked on this one (for work deck). # Store the value & suit of the cards internal to it. self.value = value self.suit = suit self.side = None # For end animation only. self.vector = None # Cards have no internal transparent areas, so we can use this faster method. self.setShapeMode(QGraphicsPixmapItem.BoundingRectShape) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges) self.load_images() def load_images(self): self.face = QPixmap( os.path.join('cards', '%s%s.png' % (self.value, self.suit)) ) self.back = QPixmap( os.path.join('images', 'back.png') ) def turn_face_up(self): self.side = SIDE_FACE self.setPixmap(self.face) def turn_back_up(self): self.side = SIDE_BACK self.setPixmap(self.back) @property def is_face_up(self): return self.side == SIDE_FACE @property def color(self): return 'r' if self.suit in ('H', 'D') else 'b' def mousePressEvent(self, e): if not self.is_face_up and[-1] == self: self.turn_face_up() # We can do this without checking. e.accept() return if self.stack and not self.stack.is_free_card(self): e.ignore() return self.stack.activate() e.accept() super(Card, self).mouseReleaseEvent(e) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): self.stack.deactivate() items = self.collidingItems() if items: # Find the topmost item from a different stack: for item in items: if ((isinstance(item, Card) and item.stack != self.stack) or (isinstance(item, StackBase) and item != self.stack)): if item.stack.is_valid_drop(self): # Remove card + all children from previous stack, add to the new. # Note: the only place there will be children is on a workstack. cards = self.stack.remove_card(self) item.stack.add_cards(cards) break # Refresh this card's stack, pulling it back if it was dropped. self.stack.update() super(Card, self).mouseReleaseEvent(e) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e): if self.stack.is_free_card(self): self.signals.doubleclicked.emit() e.accept() super(Card, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(e) class StackBase(QGraphicsRectItem): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StackBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setRect(QRectF(CARD_RECT)) self.setZValue(-1) # Cards on this deck, in order. = [] # Store a self ref, so the collision logic can handle cards and # stacks with the same approach. self.stack = self self.setup() self.reset() def setup(self): pass def reset(self): self.remove_all_cards() def update(self): for n, card in enumerate( card.setPos( self.pos() + QPointF(n * self.offset_x, n * self.offset_y)) card.setZValue(n) def activate(self): pass def deactivate(self): pass def add_card(self, card, update=True): card.stack = self if update: self.update() def add_cards(self, cards): for card in cards: self.add_card(card, update=False) self.update() def remove_card(self, card): card.stack = None self.update() return [card] # Returns a list, as WorkStack must return children def remove_all_cards(self): for card in[:]: card.stack = None = [] def is_valid_drop(self, card): return True def is_free_card(self, card): return False class DeckStack(StackBase): offset_x = -0.2 offset_y = -0.3 restack_counter = 0 def reset(self): super(DeckStack, self).reset() self.restack_counter = 0 self.set_color( def stack_cards(self, cards): for card in cards: self.add_card(card) card.turn_back_up() def can_restack(self, n_rounds=3): return n_rounds is None or self.restack_counter < n_rounds-1 def update_stack_status(self, n_rounds): if not self.can_restack(n_rounds): self.set_color( else: # We only need this if players change the round number during a game. self.set_color( def restack(self, fromstack): self.restack_counter += 1 # We need to slice as we're adding to the list, reverse to stack back # in the original order. for card in[::-1]: fromstack.remove_card(card) self.add_card(card) card.turn_back_up() def take_top_card(self): try: card =[-1] self.remove_card(card) return card except IndexError: pass def set_color(self, color): color = QColor(color) color.setAlpha(50) brush = QBrush(color) self.setBrush(brush) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) def is_valid_drop(self, card): return False class DealStack(StackBase): offset_x = 20 offset_y = 0 spread_from = 0 def setup(self): self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) color = QColor( color.setAlpha(50) brush = QBrush(color) self.setBrush(brush) def reset(self): super(DealStack, self).reset() self.spread_from = 0 # Card index to start spreading cards out. def is_valid_drop(self, card): return False def is_free_card(self, card): return card ==[-1] def update(self): # Only spread the top 3 cards offset_x = 0 for n, card in enumerate( card.setPos(self.pos() + QPointF(offset_x, 0)) card.setZValue(n) if n >= self.spread_from: offset_x = offset_x + self.offset_x class WorkStack(StackBase): offset_x = 0 offset_y = 15 offset_y_back = 5 def setup(self): self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) color = QColor( color.setAlpha(50) brush = QBrush(color) self.setBrush(brush) def activate(self): # Raise z-value of this stack so children float above all other cards. self.setZValue(1000) def deactivate(self): self.setZValue(-1) def is_valid_drop(self, card): if not return True if (card.color !=[-1].color and card.value ==[-1].value -1): return True return False def is_free_card(self, card): return card.is_face_up and card ==[-1] def add_card(self, card, update=True): if card.setParentItem([-1]) else: card.setParentItem(self) super(WorkStack, self).add_card(card, update=update) def remove_card(self, card): index =, cards =[:index],[index:] for card in cards: # Remove card and all children, returning a list of cards removed in order. card.setParentItem(None) card.stack = None self.update() return cards def remove_all_cards(self): for card in[:]: card.setParentItem(None) card.stack = None = [] def update(self): self.stack.setZValue(-1) # Reset this stack the the background. # Only spread the top 3 cards offset_y = 0 for n, card in enumerate( card.setPos(QPointF(0, offset_y)) if card.is_face_up: offset_y = self.offset_y else: offset_y = self.offset_y_back class DropStack(StackBase): offset_x = -0.2 offset_y = -0.3 suit = None value = 0 def setup(self): self.signals = Signals() color = QColor( color.setAlpha(50) pen = QPen(color) pen.setWidth(5) self.setPen(pen) def reset(self): super(DropStack, self).reset() self.suit = None self.value = 0 def is_valid_drop(self, card): if ((self.suit is None or card.suit == self.suit) and (card.value == self.value + 1)): return True return False def add_card(self, card, update=True): super(DropStack, self).add_card(card, update=update) self.suit = card.suit self.value =[-1].value if self.is_complete: self.signals.complete.emit() def remove_card(self, card): super(DropStack, self).remove_card(card) self.value =[-1].value if else 0 @property def is_complete(self): return self.value == 13 class DealTrigger(QGraphicsRectItem): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DealTrigger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setRect(QRectF(DEAL_RECT)) self.setZValue(1000) pen = QPen(Qt.NoPen) self.setPen(pen) self.signals = Signals() def mousePressEvent(self, e): self.signals.clicked.emit() class AnimationCover(QGraphicsRectItem): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AnimationCover, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setRect(QRectF(0, 0, *WINDOW_SIZE)) self.setZValue(5000) pen = QPen(Qt.NoPen) self.setPen(pen) def mousePressEvent(self, e): e.accept() class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) view = QGraphicsView() self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.scene.setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, *WINDOW_SIZE)) felt = QBrush(QPixmap(os.path.join('images','felt.png'))) self.scene.setBackgroundBrush(felt) name = QGraphicsPixmapItem() name.setPixmap(QPixmap(os.path.join('images','ronery.png'))) name.setPos(QPointF(170, 375)) self.scene.addItem(name) view.setScene(self.scene) # Timer for the win animation only. self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(5) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.win_animation) self.animation_event_cover = AnimationCover() self.scene.addItem(self.animation_event_cover) menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Game") deal_action = QAction(QIcon(os.path.join('images', 'playing-card.png')), "Deal...", self) deal_action.triggered.connect(self.restart_game) menu.addAction(deal_action) menu.addSeparator() deal1_action = QAction("1 card", self) deal1_action.setCheckable(True) deal1_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.set_deal_n(1)) menu.addAction(deal1_action) deal3_action = QAction("3 card", self) deal3_action.setCheckable(True) deal3_action.setChecked(True) deal3_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.set_deal_n(3)) menu.addAction(deal3_action) dealgroup = QActionGroup(self) dealgroup.addAction(deal1_action) dealgroup.addAction(deal3_action) dealgroup.setExclusive(True) menu.addSeparator() rounds3_action = QAction("3 rounds", self) rounds3_action.setCheckable(True) rounds3_action.setChecked(True) rounds3_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.set_rounds_n(3)) menu.addAction(rounds3_action) rounds5_action = QAction("5 rounds", self) rounds5_action.setCheckable(True) rounds5_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.set_rounds_n(5)) menu.addAction(rounds5_action) roundsu_action = QAction("Unlimited rounds", self) roundsu_action.setCheckable(True) roundsu_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.set_rounds_n(None)) menu.addAction(roundsu_action) roundgroup = QActionGroup(self) roundgroup.addAction(rounds3_action) roundgroup.addAction(rounds5_action) roundgroup.addAction(roundsu_action) roundgroup.setExclusive(True) menu.addSeparator() quit_action = QAction("Quit", self) quit_action.triggered.connect(self.quit) menu.addAction(quit_action) self.deck = [] self.deal_n = 3 # Number of cards to deal each time self.rounds_n = 3 # Number of rounds (restacks) before end. for suit in SUITS: for value in range(1, 14): card = Card(value, suit) self.deck.append(card) self.scene.addItem(card) card.signals.doubleclicked.connect(lambda card=card: self.auto_drop_card(card)) self.setCentralWidget(view) self.setFixedSize(*WINDOW_SIZE) self.deckstack = DeckStack() self.deckstack.setPos(OFFSET_X, OFFSET_Y) self.scene.addItem(self.deckstack) # Set up the working locations. = [] for n in range(7): stack = WorkStack() stack.setPos(OFFSET_X + CARD_SPACING_X*n, WORK_STACK_Y) self.scene.addItem(stack) self.drops = [] # Set up the drop locations. for n in range(4): stack = DropStack() stack.setPos(OFFSET_X + CARD_SPACING_X * (3+n), OFFSET_Y) stack.signals.complete.connect(self.check_win_condition) self.scene.addItem(stack) self.drops.append(stack) # Add the deal location. self.dealstack = DealStack() self.dealstack.setPos(OFFSET_X + CARD_SPACING_X, OFFSET_Y) self.scene.addItem(self.dealstack) # Add the deal click-trigger. dealtrigger = DealTrigger() dealtrigger.signals.clicked.connect( self.scene.addItem(dealtrigger) self.shuffle_and_stack() self.setWindowTitle("Ronery") def restart_game(self): reply = QMessageBox.question(self, "Deal again", "Are you sure you want to start a new game?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self.shuffle_and_stack() def quit(self): self.close() def set_deal_n(self, n): self.deal_n = n def set_rounds_n(self, n): self.rounds_n = n self.deckstack.update_stack_status(self.rounds_n) def shuffle_and_stack(self): # Stop any ongoing animation. self.timer.stop() self.animation_event_cover.hide() # Remove cards from all stacks. for stack in [self.deckstack, self.dealstack] + self.drops + stack.reset() random.shuffle(self.deck) # Deal out from the top of the deck, turning over the # final card on each line. cards = self.deck[:] for n, workstack in enumerate(, 1): for a in range(n): card = cards.pop() workstack.add_card(card) card.turn_back_up() if a == n-1: card.turn_face_up() # Ensure removed from all other stacks here. self.deckstack.stack_cards(cards) def deal(self): if self.dealstack.spread_from = len( for n in range(self.deal_n): card = self.deckstack.take_top_card() if card: self.dealstack.add_card(card) card.turn_face_up() elif self.deckstack.can_restack(self.rounds_n): self.deckstack.restack(self.dealstack) self.deckstack.update_stack_status(self.rounds_n) def auto_drop_card(self, card): for stack in self.drops: if stack.is_valid_drop(card): card.stack.remove_card(card) stack.add_card(card) break def check_win_condition(self): complete = all(s.is_complete for s in self.drops) if complete: # Add click-proof cover to play area. # Get the stacks of cards from the drop,stacks. self.timer.start() def win_animation(self): # Start off a new card for drop in self.drops: if card = if card.vector is None: card.vector = QPoint(-random.randint(3, 10), -random.randint(0, 10)) break for card in self.deck: if card.vector is not None: card.setPos(card.pos() + card.vector) card.vector += QPoint(0, 1) # Gravity if card.pos().y() > WINDOW_SIZE[1] - CARD_DIMENSIONS.height(): # Bounce the card, losing some energy. card.vector = QPoint(card.vector.x(), -max(1, int(card.vector.y() * BOUNCE_ENERGY)) ) # Bump back up to base of screen. card.setPos(card.pos().x(), WINDOW_SIZE[1] - CARD_DIMENSIONS.height()) if card.pos().x() < - CARD_DIMENSIONS.width(): card.vector = None # Put the card back where it started. card.stack.add_card(card) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication([]) window = MainWindow() app.exec_()