WARNING:root:qt_material must be imported after PySide or PyQt!
## Custom colors
[Color Tool](https://material.io/resources/color/) is the best way to generate new themes, just choose colors and export as `Android XML`, the theme file must look like:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
Save it as `my_theme.xml` or similar and apply the style sheet from Python.
apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_teal.xml')
## Light themes
Light themes will need to add `invert_secondary` argument as `True`.
Do you have a custom theme? it looks good? create a [pull request](https://github.com/UN-GCPDS/qt-material/pulls) in [themes folder](https://github.com/UN-GCPDS/qt-material/tree/master/qt_material/themes>) and share it with all users.
There is a `qt_material.QtStyleTools` class that must be inherited along to `QMainWindow` for change themes in runtime using the `apply_stylesheet()` method.
class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools):
A simple interface is available to modify a theme in runtime, this feature can be used to create a new theme, the theme file is created in the main directory as `my_theme.xml`
class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools):